Self-hosted setup using docker-compose and importing of articles from Omnivore
What to do after if you accidentally lock yourself out
Blank screen on boot and external monitors not detected
How to set up a custom domain with a shared IPv4 address on
So you don't miss anything and don't have to rely on LinkedIn
Triggering a GitHub action from a git push from another GitHub action
My (initially unsuccessful) attempts to fetch a RSS feed via curl
An overview of the application process for admission as an advocate and solicitor in Singapore
How to embed GPS data from your smartphone as EXIF data
The mass call briefing and the actual mass call hearing
Filing your supporting affidavit and the various exhibits
Filing your OA and commencing your application
Requesting for the SILE certificate prior to filing your supplementary affidavit
On the e-Learning: Ethics in Practice and the e-Learning: Legal Profession (Solicitors' Account) Rules courses
how to ensure that the PDFs you download from Singapore Statutes Online are appropriately named
how to manage data on a persistent volume
a brief overview and details about recommendation statuses
how to save $50 when your remote control stops working
more efficient diagram-making with Mermaid
from the meeting ID and meeting password
counterintuitive design and error -10004
how to get started in 2 minutes and what feeds to follow
add comments on a static site powered by GitHub issues in a private repository
See only the content you want on your feed; avoid being locked in by closed platforms
How to manage and cite cases, legislation, commentary, etc.
with the magic of mergerfs
and sync the annotations back to Zotero
for academic articles, legal documents, etc.
You probably don't need gatsby-remark-reading-time
without using ssh-agent
no drive is mounted, yet no error is thrown
How to tell your calendar that your life extends beyond UCL