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Applying for admission to the Singapore Bar: the SILE certificate

Requesting for the SILE certificate prior to filing your supplementary affidavit

  •  1 min  •  
Applying for admission to the Singapore bar
This is part of a series covering the process of getting admitted as an advocate and solicitor in Singapore. For an overview of the process and to view other posts in this series, see: Applying for admission to the Singapore Bar: Overview

The SILE certificate (sample here) must be attached as an exhibit to your supporting affidavit.1 Obtaining this certificate is a 2-step process involving: (a) a request via email; and (b) a request via eLitigation.

Email request

First, you must send a request for the certificate via email to [email protected], with the subject as "Certificate of Diligence for AAS of (your name and Part B student number)", and the following documents attached:

  • Signed certificate of diligence (COD): This should be in the form prescribed in the Second Schedule of the LPAR.1 SILE also provides Microsoft Word copies of the form here. You should pick the form applicable to the organisation with which you have done your TC with. A template form for a LLP with ≥ 2 partners can be found here.
  • Signed PTC checklist: SILE requires this checklist to be filled out. Inconveniently, they only provide a PDF version, but you can find an editable copy here, which will allow you to easily check the boxes and add the necessary remarks.2
  • Certificates of completion: SILE requires you to submit certificates of completion for the e-Learning: Ethics in Practice and the e-Learning: Legal Profession (Solicitors' Account) Rules courses conducted by the Law Society. More details about the e-Learning courses are available here.

SILE states on its website that the COD and PTC checklist can be signed electronically or via wet ink.

eLitigation request

After SILE has reviewed your request and notified you via email that you may proceed to file your request via eLitigation, you can do so.

r 31 LPAR prescribes Form B(3), but in any case you can compose the request via eLitigation so there is no need to upload any document.

  1. See r 25(4), Legal Profession (Admission) Rules 2011 (LPAR)
  2. Regarding the requirement that you attend a Court of Appeal hearing, considering this requirement was put in place prior to the introduction of the Appellate Division and Court of Appeal hearings are accordingly much rarer than before, I wrote to SILE asking if attending an Appellate Division hearing would suffice. SILE confirmed that it would not object to this.